The Library

The Library smells of pine and books. Here is a place of stories, folklore, myth and imagination.

A place of calm to lose yourself for a moment.

Stories for The Sun & Moon

Following the Wheel of The Year, this series by Dawn Nelson will take you through the Pagan Solar and Farming Festivals, beginning with Ostara and ending with Imbolc, telling tales from Britonic, Celtic, and Scandinavian traditions. Unlock your imagination as you dive into these tales of nature, history and magic.

Feeling Overwhelmed?

The Library offers moments of tranquility and stillness. Close your eyes and quiet your mind by listening to a folktale. Sometimes escaping into another world is the best remedy for grounding yourself.

Celtic Folklore and Mythology

You can be lulled into sleep as you follow Eileen on a journey through Scottish forests, across still lochs, and up Munros.