New Moon Quantum Flame Healing

With Lynda Harrison

Thursday 6th June 2024, 8:30pm - 9:30pm BST

In The Sacred Space

Thursday 6th June 2024, 8:30pm - 9:30pm BST

What is Quantum Flame Healing?

This Quantum Flame Healing session combines elements of quantum theory and spiritual healing practices.

The concept is rooted in the idea that at a quantum field, everything is interconnected, and one's thoughts and intentions can influence their well-being. Practitioners aim to harness this interconnectedness to promote healing and balance within the individual. Quantum healing takes you on a transformational, powerful journey and comes highly recommended by The Village. 

Please note: all our offerings are trialed and tested by The Village team, we only offer what we believe to be truly beneficial to your health and wellbeing.

Individual Tarot Card Pull:

Included in the New Moon Quantum Flame Healing session is a Tarot Card pull from Lynda for each participant. Lynda believes that the tarot cards hold energy, and so will be able to tap into the specific energy of the person, in line with the energy of the new moon, to intuit the message you are meant to receive. She also uses crystals to support the energetic reading of the card, feeling into the mood and energy that the crystals bring forth, to offer a unique insight into the energy and momentum for your month ahead.

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Why the New Moon?

The New Moon symbolizes fresh starts, opening doors to new ideas and opportunities, along with the promise of growth and change. In Quantum Healing, we seek to tap into the energy offered by the New Moon. As it brings more darkness than the full moon, it signifies a period of incubation and nurturing. Quantum Flame Healing, a potent healing modality, offers a profound experience to nourish your soul during this lunar phase of new beginnings.

How it works

You will be invited to sit or lie down in a comfortable position and close your eyes while Lynda connects to the group energies. While she’s connecting, she’ll protect your energy before taking you on a journey to the Quantum Realm.
Give yourself permission to fully trust in the process of this session and know that whatever messages you receive will be exactly what you need. Don’t worry if you fall asleep,, your subconscious will still be awake and receiving the healing that you need while your physical body rests.